Topological photonics with excitonic polaritons

Jacqueline Bloch

Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,

CNRS / Paris Saclay University, France



Topology is a branch of mathematics, which appeared extremely powerful in providing deep physical understanding of in some of the most fascinating phenomena in condensed matter such as quantization of the Quantum Hall conductance. Interestingly this mathematical framework also enables identifying which key physical ingredients have to be engineered to implement similar phenomena with neutral particles in synthetic platforms.  These include spin orbit coupling and time reversal symmetry. 

In the present talk, I will address why exciton-polariton lattices obtained by coupling excitons to cavity photons in semiconductor cavities provide a platform of choice for implementing topological physics [1]. Due to their mixed light-matter character, exciton-polaritons can indeed undergo spin-orbit coupling (polarization effect on the photon part), while simultaneously experiencing time-reversal symmetry breaking (Zeeman splitting of the exciton part under a magnetic field) [2-5]. Lattices can be imprinted on the photon part using nanotechnology and their band structure can be optically monitored. In addition, polariton present a giant Kerr linearity and enables exploring novel topological effects in presence of non-linearities [6].

After an introduction to the polariton platform, I will discuss recent progress in the field of topological polaritonics. In particular, I will describe interferometry experiments, which enables realizing a full tomography of the eigenstates, and provides direct access to the Berry curvature in k space. I will also explain how interactions and solitons can trigger the emergence of non-trivial topology in a lattice [7-8].


[1] T. Ozawa, et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 015006 (2019)

[2] I. Carusotto, and C. Ciuti, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 299 (2013)

[3] T. Karzig, et al., Phys. Rev. X 5, 031001 (2015)

[4] A. V. Nalitov, D. D. Solnyshkov, and G. Malpuech, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 116401 (2015)

[5] S. Klembt, et al., Nature 562, 552 (2018)

[6] D. Solnyshkov, et al., Optical Materials Express 11, Issue 4, 1119 (2021)

[7] N Pernet et al.,Nature Physics 18, 678 (2022)

[8] S. Ravets et al, arXiv:2407.02627 (2024)